Thursday, February 9, 2017

That Better Be My Leg

When I was in junior high, I accidentally left my cell phone in my mom's car before school. I was freaking out because I thought I needed my phone on me at all times. Albeit, I didn't even have a cell phone until that year. I called my mom in the office and begged her to come back and drop of my cell phone, but I was unsuccessful. Then, the principal of my small junior high noticed me and said, "I know. I fell naked without my phone, too".
When I was a freshman in high school, I begged my parents to get me the newest smartphone out for my birthday. My parents relented and spent $600 on my new phone. Not even a week into having my phone, I dropped it on cement and the front of the phone shattered. My phone was still functional, don't get me wrong. But there was glass everywhere. My parents refused to replace it and I didn't have a phone case (it would have been pointless at that point) so I grabbed myself some packaging tape and placed it over the phone. After that, I stopped worrying since there was nothing I could do about the phone. My phone definitely bothered more people than it did me. I ended up keeping the phone until my next upgrade which wasn't until my junior or senior year.
The point is that worrying about my phone has cut time off my life and possibly given me a few premature gray hairs. I can't help but be a bit envious of those before us because they weren't carrying hundreds of dollars worth of technology in their back pocket everywhere they went like we do. Like, obviously, there were things they were obsessed with (i.e. CD players, Walkmans, etc), but they weren't so expensive that it made your wallet hurt. Nowadays, if we'd rather lose our car keys over our cell phones. Hell, when we fall down and hear a crack or break, we pray it is our leg and not the phone attached to our leg. In all honesty, this kind of paranoia I could so live without, but my phone I can't. Phones aren't expensive but we all need the latest technology which is super expensive. If I can go back 20 years or so, I would probably get a cheaper, sturdier phone. That way if I fell and heard a crack, I'd pray it was the phone.